School Production / Concert



Thursday 25 July, 7:30pm
Friday 26 July, 7:30pm
Saturday 27 July, 2:00pm
Saturday 27 July, 7:30pm Notre Dame College invites you to disappear into the decadent world of the 1920s, where the champagne flows, the caviar chills, and the entire world becomes a party!

In a darkened theatre audiences are welcomed by the peculiar Man in Chair, a die-hard musical theatre fan, who welcomes us into his living room. He drops the needle on his all-time favourite album, The Drowsy Chaperone, an outrageously funny musical set in the decadent world of the 1920s.

As the record spins the show bursts into life complete with starlets, gangsters, and all manners of mayhem. It is a colourful musical with vaudeville gags and tap-dance galore!

Through the narration of the record, the audience is introduced to Janet van de Graaff, a young starlet about to give up her career on the stage to marry the dashing Robert Martin. However, between Janet's drowsy chaperone, the forgetful hostess Mrs. Tottendale, Latin lothario Aldolpho, and Janet's calculating producer, Feldzieg, there are more than enough hijinks to keep us entertained!

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